Due Monday, May 1

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download this starter kit.
  2. Divide your materials into four folders: P1, P2, P3, and Presentation.
  3. Within each project (P1, P2, P3) folder, make three new folders: Project, Documentation, Description.
  4. Put all of your project materials (code and required assets) into the Project folder.
  5. In the Documentation folder, place a video screen capture (made using Quicktime) to concisely document your project.
  6. In the Description folder, place a text file containing a paragraph description of your project.
  7. In the Presentation folder, place a PDF version of your presentation into the folder.
  8. When you make the .zip file, send it to over

— When creating the archive, make sure your assets are optimized for web so that the file sizes are as small as possible
— Make sure every link on your class homepage is working.

If you do not send me your class archive by Monday, May 1, you will fail the class.